Naker Back Viewer #

A standalone library to add 3D backgrounds on your website #

Getting Started #

Import the Javascript Back Viewer in the header of your website :

<script data-who='💎 Made with 💎' src='' ></script>

This line will import the nakerback global variable to your website.

Usage #

You then need to choose the html element which will be used to draw the background. You can just select this node by its id like this :

var container = document.getElementById('container');

Use the render function of the viewer and your background options in order to automatically create your 3D illustration like so :

  container: document.getElementById('container'),

Options #

You must also add some options to the render function. Type rgbArray:[r, g, b] and Vector3:{x:number, y:number, z:number}

Particle #

Name Type Description
texture string The texture of particles
number number The number of particle to draw
colorStart rgbArray Color of particle when it appears
colorEnd rgbArray Color of particle when it desappears
sizeStart number Size of particle when it appears
sizeEnd number Size of particle when it desappears
life number Size of particle when it desappears
power number Movement power of particle when it appears
direction1 Vector3 Direction of the particle when it appears
direction2 Vector3 Second direction of the particle when it appears

Environment #

Name Type Description
sensitivity number Sensitivity of the camera when the mouse move
colorStart rgbArray Color of the top background
colorEnd rgbArray Color of the top background
gradient ‘horizontal’, ‘vertical’ or ‘radial’ The way the gradient is drawn

Result #

At the end your render function will work like this:

    container: document.getElementById('container'),
    particle: {
        direction1: {x:0,y:0,z:0},
        direction2: {x:0,y:0,z:0},
        life: 5.3,
        power: 0.5,
        texture: "",
        number: 0,
        colorStart: [89,173,220,0.63],
        colorEnd: [198,199,230,0.87],
        sizeStart: 2,
        sizeEnd: 4
    environment: {
        sensitivity: 0.96,
        colorStart: [0,0,0,1],
        colorEnd: [234,0,255,1],
        gradient: 'vertical'

Note that the container object will need to have a position style defined, as we use absolute position of the canvas which draw the back, without a position on the container the canvas could go outside. And if you want something to be shown in front of the 3D background, you might also need to add a z-index on it.

Plus if you need specific options, we are open to it. Send us an email to

Examples #

To see it in action, follow this link:
Back viewer